Sunday, September 6, 2009


After all of those July and August runs in the 90s with crazy humidity, today was PERFECT!! About 70 degrees with very low humidity. Great run. 16 miles in 2:19:19 or 8:42/mile. Should be ready for my first 20 miler next Sunday. I'm going to run 6 miles on Tuesday, 6 miles on Thursday, 4 on Saturday and then 20 on Sunday. That's 36 miles or over 5700 calories burned!!

I wore my t-shirt and had a couple runners stop and tell me how much they love the website. Great motivation.

My photo shop skills are very rudimentary but I am getting pumped for this race!!

Really about 4 to 5 weeks of real training before the taper. Marathon fast approaching!


  1. Tim, I was one of those runners. Planning on making a donation after today's run. So psyched to see you! I had seen someone like you one day, then later in the day came across an article about your endeavor, which I forwarded to others. So much fun! -Ben

  2. Following up:

    You have a donation! I brought you up to $8600. Land that $20,000!

    Hope to see you in CP again soon.

    Cheers, Tim,
