Wednesday, September 30, 2009

8 miles

Ran a nice 8 miles in the park this morning before work. Avg a 8:45 mile. Feeling a million times better than last week. Still chgging emergen-c like crazy. It has tons of vitamin c to keep the colds and what not away. Also keeps scurvy at bay....just look it up!!!!!

Tomorrow I have just a light weight workout plus some ab work that wil come in handy during the marathon. A lot of things can break down over 26.2 so you have to prepare as best a possible. Working abs can't be bad....earlier this year,I thought my abs were just a rumor!!!!!

Just hear Sal masakala (sp?) has challenged to beat p diddys time from his marathon. What a freaking copycat!!!!!! Just a note, Ive Already beaten diddy!!!!

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