Friday, August 21, 2009

Challenges, Challenges!!

So I've come to realize that now I have to beat the 3:50:22 time. With the Daily News article and everyone knowing about it...I have no choice....still no real pressure. This is motivating me to really concentrate on my training and nutrition. I know that raising money for all of the people suffering with Parkinson's will pull me through. Ryan said that is what propelled him during the marathon and I feel as though this well do the same from me.
The below photo is the one that I chose as the front picture on my training shirt. Most people looking at this would say that Ryan looks like a goofball here with the expression on his face. That is somewhat undeniable...actually...not even somewhat. He looks like a goofball. However, in showing this photo to my friends at Team Fox, they say that this photo was taken the second that Ryan saw Michael J Fox in the crowd of people. I chose this photo as motivation for me when I am running the marathon.
My other question is what the hell is the huge leopard print something in the upper right corner? I thought animal prints were out of fashion...but I guess not for this person

1 comment:

  1. it looks like a glove of someone holding a sign. Perhaps you should wear leopard print running gloves, to go with the shirt. So sassy!
