Saturday, October 3, 2009

This was posted as a comment on my site!! Who is the real jackass?

Here's a comment that someone posted on my site after the Jimmy Fallon interview with Ryan Reynolds.

"Your a Jackass. Because of Ryan Reynolds being on Jimmy Fallon and watching the interview where he mentions your site is the only reason I'm here. But hey if it give you donations to help a good cause good for you. I still think your a jack ass that has low self esteem because your gir thinks hes hotter than you".

It seems as though this person could use some additional education or they haven't graduated 3rd grade yet. They should have wrote "You're" a jackass. meaning "you are" a jack ass. They did this twice so they can't say that the first one was a mistake. Next up...the run on sentence after calling me a jackass. tough to read. Also, the sentence "if it GIVE you donation" It's "if it GIVES you donations. Lastly...what is a "gir" I just googled "gir" and here's what shows up.

I do not have this gir? so not sure what was meant here :-)

I also like how this person used the "bad/good/bad" sandwich in presenting their case
1. "Your a jackass"
2. If you get donations, good for you
3. "Your still a jackass"

Please people, if you are going to post comments here, BE INTELLIGENT!! I can take almost anything...well, except outright stupidity.

So I have to ask...who is the jackass now?


  1. So I did a little research on they define a jackass as "A stupid or idiotic person". Seeing as you probably haven't MET the offending commenter they could be jumping to conclusions. I read your whole blog and at no point could I discern whether or not you were stupid or idiotic... In addition, he really could have used a more "hip" insult. I for example would call him a douche bag (which seems to be a very popular insult these days). To save you the time:
    "An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears."
    Don't let people get you down, your doing a great job. Focus on the positive and for God's sake beat Ryan Reynolds! As a side note, I am completely aware that I have WAY too much time on my hands! Happy Running!
    Leigh Ann

  2. Thanks Leigh Ann. Actually, nothing really gets me down. Especially someone commenting as such on a site where I am raising money for a more than worthy cause. Thanks for your note. I found it quite humorous. Maybe you could be a guest writer on my blog...have a good one...less than 4 weeks until the marathon!!

  3. Thanks Tim! At first I thought how nice that was for you to say, then I realized I do have something to share if you want to. I'll email it to you over the next couple days!
