Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bright and Early.

So, it's 4 AM on Tuesday morning...note to self, "NO AFTERNOON STARBUCKS"!!!! I did this about a month ago and I didn't sleep well that night either. The good news is that I am up for my 5AM run with time to spare. Can't wait for my AM coffee though as it might be the only thing that gets me through the day.

Ran 10 miles in the park on Sunday morning. If you get into the city early enough on Sundays. before 9AM, there's plenty of on street free parking on west 72nd street near columbus ave. Then just a couple of blocks to the park.

It's now 18 weeks until the marathon. Time for the actual training program to begin. I'm running Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week. 4 miles, 5 miles and 11 miles. Also taking spinning class on Friday evening. Plus, I have 2 training sessions with Pete. That's going to be the plan...run 3 days, spin 1 day and training 2 days. As I hit August, I'll increase to 4 running days per week. My body really responds to a days rest in between runs.

Actually went to Yoga Sunday night...OK, OK...you can stop laughing now!!!...The Reid family is the antithesis of flexible...working on touching my shins...forget the toes for now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

6 miles today after work

Oh how I love summer hours!! It was a long week and I was able to get out about 1:30 and head to central park. Ran 6 miles in 52:00 and it was a humid one. I think I sweat out about 5 lbs. There were quite a few people out as most of NYC has summer hours....sorry Ralf and Jeff!!

Tonight, going to a cookout for some beers and burgers. Best part of training is being able to eat a little more than usual. I'm down to 207 so I'm getting to 200 slowly but surely. I am running 12 miles in the park on Sunday morning really early. It only take 15 minutes to get there if I drive in around 7:00 AM.

More blogging this weekend.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

5.5 miles today!!

My longest weekday run so far in my training. Got up at 5:00 AM as I had an early morning meeting today. 5.5 miles in 46:00. I felt great this morning and even saw the sun come up. I would like to say that it was spectacular but realistically, it was 5 AM. I wish the sun would come up at like 10 AM somedays..it would be easier to enjoy.

BTW, Ryan Reynolds is freakin everywhere now. It'll be a joyous November day when I beat his A$$.

speaking about Ryan Reynolds...this is hilarious vs Betty White. Please don't be offended though as it it somewhat vulgar. ENJOY!!!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Hello All. Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads out there. I saw some of the happy gents pushing their offspring in their carriages this morning. Seems like every time I run by one of them, they just have this grimmace on their face...must have either just changed a diaper or one is sorely needing to be changed!!
So I have to run 10 miles today. I'm breaking it up into two runs as I didn't have enough time for all 10 this morning. Ran 6.1 miles in about 53 minutes this morning and will run 4 miles tonight to complete. This isn't optimal but the in-laws were in town this weekend so I have to be flexible. Total miles for the week will end up at 21...one more than last week. I'm going to do 2 loops of central park this friday for a nice 12 mile run.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Celebrity Beatdowns!!

OK, the first 7 beatdowns were fun with my Marine Corp marathon time beating Oprah, Mario Lopez, Katie Holmes, David Lee Roth, Al Gore, Diddy and Ali Landry. These were pretty much the most famous people I have beaten. Here are some others in my second list to take it to 10 celebrities:

8) Freddie Prinze, JR - 5:50:49 (LA Marathon) Does he still count? I mean I think he was most famous for this "popular" movie..By the time Freddie finished, I was on my third beer at Spring Lounge...

9). Kerri Strug - 4:12:06 - (1999 Houston Marathon) - I beat an Olympic gymnast!! However, since she is only 4'8", she actually ran 201,475 steps vs my 138,435 steps. For those that don't know math, there are actually 138,435 feet in 26.2 miles but she is very small so her stride is shorter therfore, more steps. However, she only weighs 88 lbs so she's 120 lbs less than me. not sure who had the advantage...me or her...Anyway, I beat her by 3 minutes or so.

10) Buster Martin - Over 10 hours (2008 London Marathon) - Boy, I really smoked this chap...10 hours!!! My goodness. Wait, don't know who Buster Martin is??? Well....this guy finished the London Marathon as the oldest person ever to finish a marathon at either 94 or 101. I think he forgot when he was born. He not only wore pants but the full matching wind breaker!

GO BUSTER GO!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

PENGUINS!! oh, and I had a great run

Well, the Penguins won the Stanley Cup on Friday night...so...that naturally pushed my long run to Sunday! What a great game it was with Max Talbot and Marc-Andre Fleury as the stars.

I ran 8 miles on Sunday morning at an 8:39 pace. I'm going to be shooting to be at an 8:30 pace from here on out as I felt great the entire run. Totalled 20 miles this week. Starting to kick it in over the next couple of weeks with running and spinning.

Currently weigh 206 right now so I have 6 lbs to lose over the next 16 days. Definitely can get this done. I already felt running was easier at 206 vs 210.

OK. I'm tired so not much funniness happening today...

Until tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

4 miles today...4 miles tomorrow

I am now scarily used to waking up at 5:15 AM for my workouts. Don't really know if scarily is a word, but it describes the fact that I can wake up without my alarm every morning....even the weekends. The good news...I have A.D.D and I might as well workout b/c getting to work at 6:30 is not an option.

Ran 4 miles this morning and running another 4 tomorrow followed by 9 miles on Sunday morning. My runs have been great and very comfortable at 8:45 miles. Starting in July, I'll have to push it a little and kick it in at 8:15 to 8:30 miles. The goal is to keep the training rolling and run the NYC marathon at race pace or 8:15 per mile. Shouldn't be a problem.

I keep passing the same runners every morning and it's like they know me know. I get this distinct nod and smile and "good morning" as if we've been friends for years. I guess when you run at 5:30 AM, you kinda join a group.

Monday, June 8, 2009

< 200 lbs

So, I have to drop the weight down so that my training gets a little easier. As you've read, the Ben and Jerry's put a dent in my plans but right now I am at 208 lbs. My challenge to myself is to get under 200 by the end of June. So, 8 lbs in a little over 3 weeks, should be able to get this done.

Wish me luck and stop giving me cupcakes, nachos, burgers etc. I'll have a nice minced chicken and veggie lettuce wrap thank you :-(


Thanks to everyone who donated today. We are now officially over the $5,000 mark...$5030 to be exact. The website has only been up and running for 3 weeks and we're really flying. I am going to be adding an events page to list some upcoming events that I am working on. Stay tuned.

Had a great workout this morning. Today was leg day at the gym so I did a number of different exercises to strengthen the quads, hips, hamstrings and calves...sure to be hurtin tomorrow.

Running 4 miles tomorrow morning and then an upper body workout after work and before the Penguins game. Gotta kill some time between work and the 8:15 game time.

My ole Friends

Meet a couple of my old friends...

Yep...Ben and Jerry's. Two of my favorite people. Although, not so good for the training. I got a small tub of the Oatmeal Cookie Chunk for the last penguin's game. Fully intended to have the recommended serving size of 1/4 cup...However, after watching the Penguins get demolished by the Red Wings on Saturday night, 5-0. I did my own demolishing and destroyed the entire container. Afterward, I decided to check out the damage...1040 calories and something like 75 g of fat.

That being said, I am back on the training diet of chicken, brown rice, etc, etc, etc...

Let me tell you something...It was worth it....that shit is f'n good!!! Sorry for the expletives but normal adjectives don't cut it. "That stuff sure was yummy" doesn't quite tell the story.

Friday, June 5, 2009

$4805 and counting

The website has been up and running for about 2 weeks now and we've raised $4805 so far. Great start!!! Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Still have about $15K to raise in the next 5 months to hit my goal of $20,000. In case you are wondering, the $15K I need is really only about 6 yankees tickets worth...Nothing like taking the fam to the game and spending 10 grand!!

I am running 7 miles tomorrow morning. It will give me 15 for the week. Then I am spinning on Sunday. Trying to mix it up a little.

Oh by the way...LET'S GO PENS!!! Penguins are in game 5 of the Stanley Cup Final tomorrow night. I think they'll win it all!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Running in the Rain Part 2

Woke up this morning for another run...looked out the window and it was raining pretty nicely. If you don't really know me, then you would not know that I really HATE treadmills. Can't stand it at all. I love to run outside and outside only. 90 degrees, 15 degrees, snow, hail, rain. I don't care...it's still better than running on a treadmill. So, I slopped out there today for 4 miles in the rain...and it was GREAT!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

5 Months and Counting

So, we're exactly 5 months out from the NYC marathon. 153 days and counting...so, that gives me about 80 to 90 training days to get in shape for the 26.2 miles. Feeling pretty positive. Still have to drop the weight to run faster. Every pound lost knocks nearly a minute off of the total marathon time... 190 is the goal...I am 208 right now. losing 18 lbs means that I have to cut out or work off 63,000 calories. To lose 1 lb is 3500 calories so 3500 x 18 = 63,000. If you divide that by 153 days, that means that I need a calorie deficit of around 400 calories per day to lose the weight. Doesn't seem so bad...basically 1 bagel with cream cheese or 3 beers.

enough for tonight. gotta go to sleep. thanks again!

Yeah People!!

OK. So we're up to over $4600 bucks right now. Some wonderful overseas donations...don't worry. they are legitimate. Sometimes people surprise you and now I am surprised! $4600 over the first two weeks of the website. AMAZING! So, even with a recession, people can find it in their heart to be extremely generous.

On a side note, tonight was an amazing night for me. Went to a great event where they raised over $2M. As the event was about to end, I was invited to join some old friends for some after drinks. But, since I have the website up and I have to get up and run in the morning at 5:30, I graciously declined. Pretty much ground breaking for me. Free wine...OK!! Not this time. :-)

I want to give this everything that I got over the next 5 months. I even passed up dessert. Although, it didn't really look that great.

Thanks for listening. Have a great night.