Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Magazine Cover

So, Just an update. Here's another cover for Ryan Reynolds. He is on the cover of the last issue of Best Life magazine. I guess Men's Health got a 2 for 1 price. He continues to be everywhere. Just more motivation for me to beat his time in the marathon in November.

I could see the next interview after the marathon...

GQ: "So Ryan, how's it going? Life still great"?
RR: "Well GQ, everything seemed to be cranking along nicely" he says with a smirk. "That is until that guy in Jersey City beat my time in the marathon. Did I mention that he also hurt my feelings by talking about me wearing pants in the marathon. I mean, it was pretty cold in the beginning...I don't care what OTHER people were wearing"!!
GQ: "Umm, OK. You seem upset. Let's change the subject".

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