Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Off Tomorrow

Golfing at the Canyon Club in Westchester tomorrow. First time golfing since China over 2 years ago. Not looking for much of anything...will probably only use my 7 iron for the last 5 or 6 holes. I shot about 7 balls into the China Sea the last least that won't happen this time. Unless I hit the ball about 13,000 miles, which, of course, would surprise pretty much everyone.

Decided not to do the half marathon as I don't think doing the jump from 9 miles to 13.1 miles would be that smart since I really only started back running longer distances about 3 weeks ago. No big deal though, going to run another 9 miles. Will take my total to over 23 miles for the week.

Thanks again for the great week of donations. Tim

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

$1225!! So far so good!

So, the site has been up for about a week and we now have $1225 so far. Thanks to everyone who has donated so far. Very exciting.

I had a great run this morning. 4.2 miles at 8:30 miles. Could have run faster but it was like 5:30 AM and I didn't feel like it. Running another 4 or so miles tomorrow AM. Then an off day (golfing) on Friday before the half marathon on Saturday.

For those that use golf as their "excercise", if you are below 60 years old...that is lame!! I'm running 20 to 25 miles per week and you are trying to decide if I should hit over the tree, or around the tree...

If you are over 60, have a great round!

I've got to start thinking of a couple events for Team Fox to help raise additional money. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday Picnic Setback

OK, so I only ran 5.2 miles today. Ran it in 49:37 or 9:37 per mile. The hot dogs, hamburger, potato salad, brownies and drinks certainly held me back a little (a lot). Luckily for me it was supposed to be a slow run...and I did run SLOW!!!!!! No matter, I started the week with a decent distance. Now 4 on Wednesday and 4 on Thursday seems to be the plan before the half marathon on Saturday.

Just to be clear, that's not me in the above picture...I wonder if that guy slipped into a coma after eating that burger.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

9 Miles yesterday

Had a great run 9 mile run on Saturday morning. Ran it in 1:19:09 or an 8:48 pace per mile. Beautiful day outside and running over to Liberty State Park is pretty motivating. This gets me to 21.3 miles this week. Here's the run:

I'm taking Sunday off so that I can run 7 miles on memorial day since we are all off from work.

This week's training schedule looks like this Monday 7 miles, Wednesday 5 miles, Thursday 3 miles and then the Brooklyn Half Marathon on Saturday (13.1 miles). My total will be 28 miles for the week

Thursday, May 21, 2009

4 miles today!

Ran 4 miles today...totalling 12.3 miles for the week so far. Running 9 miles on Saturday and then 3 on Sunday. Will hit 24.3 miles this week. Been getting up at 5:30 to get the miles in and be able to come home and get to work by 8:00. It's great b/c I have so much more energy in the AM. As I am now 38 years old, I get a little tired at ni zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Oh, sorry about that...I dosed off.

Anyway.. Thanks to everyone who donated today! At $400 bucks so far. Good start. So far, 23 different people have viewed the site. Everyone seems to like the site and I enjoy updating everyone.

Have a good night.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


After 3 full days, GODADDY finally figured out what the heck was wrong with their server and my website. We are now full speed ahead.

I had a great two days of running this week. 5 miles on tuesday and 3.5 miles today. Jersey City is a great place to run as you can run on the hudson river or shoot on over to Liberty State Park and run for awhile. I'll take some pictures of the "rave" run shortly.

I got the Garmin 405 this week which is amazing!! Keeps track of your mileage through GPS, minutes per mile, calories burned etc. This will be helpful with my training.

OK, running 4 miles tomorrow morning and that will put me at 12.5 miles for the week. Running 8 miles on Saturday and then 3 miles on Sunday. I'll hit 23.5 miles for the week. Feelin great...please donate.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

4 miles today. 15 total for the week :-(

Hello all.
Ran 4 miles this morning. This adds up to 15 miles for the week. Now the fun begins. I'm going to run 5 miles on Tuesday morning, 4 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday then 8 miles on Saturday. We'll see how I feel. Might then run another 3 miles slowly on Sunday morning. Either way, I will run between 21 and 24 miles this week. I need to consistently hit 20 to 25 miles per week leading up to the 18 week training program.

I felt great this morning and could have ran more but didn't want to push it. No need this far out. Most important is getting the total miles up there.

I'm running the Brooklyn half marathon on Saturday May 30th. My best half marathon time is 1:44:47 or 7:58 per mile. I'm not going to try and beat that time as I have to keep my legs fresh. Just shooting for around 1:48.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

7.4 miles today

Ran at 8AM this morning from my condo over to Liberty State Park and then back around to the gym. Had a 9AM training session with my trainer Pete Isip. Pete routinely kicks my butt for about an hour a week. We're now focusing on workouts that will help my running. Lots of legs and core. Oh, what fun!

The run went really well. Finished in 1 hour and 5 minutes. Pretty good pace. Did I mention that I love Red Bull right before I run!! It gives me wings!! I always need a little caffeine and sugar. I also eat a Kashi Blueberry Waffle with peanut butter and a banana. Perfect!

I have to start running more long runs on the weekends. So, more 10 to 13 miles. My actual 18 week program starts on June 22nd. Basically running 35 to 45 miles per week with three 20 to 22 mile runs during the last 6 weeks before the marathon.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're live

OK Everyone! You can now log onto and check it all out. Seems like only yesterday, that this was but just a crazy idea in my head. Now the training and the fund raising begins. Just got my new IPOD shuffle filled with my favorite songs from the likes of Liberace, Peter Paul and Mary along with the tantalizing sounds of that one country singer guy from one of the first real world seasons.

Have a great night all. Running 5 miles in the AM. Tim

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Magazine Cover

So, Just an update. Here's another cover for Ryan Reynolds. He is on the cover of the last issue of Best Life magazine. I guess Men's Health got a 2 for 1 price. He continues to be everywhere. Just more motivation for me to beat his time in the marathon in November.

I could see the next interview after the marathon...

GQ: "So Ryan, how's it going? Life still great"?
RR: "Well GQ, everything seemed to be cranking along nicely" he says with a smirk. "That is until that guy in Jersey City beat my time in the marathon. Did I mention that he also hurt my feelings by talking about me wearing pants in the marathon. I mean, it was pretty cold in the beginning...I don't care what OTHER people were wearing"!!
GQ: "Umm, OK. You seem upset. Let's change the subject".

One Day Left until Lift-off

Website up tomorrow at some point. Tonight I did my weekly spin class to help prepare my legs for the last 6 miles. Basically, I know I can run 20 miles pretty quickly. The goal would be to hit 20 miles in 2:45. That would give me an hour to finish the marathon with time to spare. So, for the first 20 miles, I would have to run an 8:15 mile. Actually, Ryan Hall below is running probably a 5:10 or 5:15 mile. Those professionals are freaking fast. I can't imagine running 1 mile in 5:15, let alone 26.2 miles.

The last 5 to 6 miles is what makes or breaks your time. I crashed in all three of my marathons at about mile 21. I basically didn't train hard enough and mix in enough cross training. So now, in addition to logging the miles, I am cross training with weights and plyometrics along with hitting spin class once a week. We'll see what happens. If anyone has any other great advice to help with training, shoot me an e mail at

Running 5 miles tomorrow morning. Go TIM!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Going Live on May 15th

Hello All.
I'm very excited to launch the website this Friday, May 15th. Everything is going great!! I hope you all like it. It's been very fun pulling it together with Rafal who is a master at this stuff!! Talk to everyone soon. Tim

Sunday, May 3, 2009

6 miles today

Running 6 miles today from my condo over to Liberty State park. The running route takes me along the water with a view of the statue of liberty.

It's kind of gray and misty outside. I will have run 22 miles this week. Basically running between 20 to 25 miles per week until June. Then I'll start to increase up to 25 to 30 miles per week. Marathon training takes a lot of dedication as you need to run 4 to 5 days a week to get your mileage in.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Running in the Rain....Running in the Rain

So, today I ran 3 miles and then took a spin class. I believe that the spin class will help me a ton during the last 6 miles of the marathon. First 2 miles went well then it started to rain like crazy!!! I don't think my clothes could have absorbed any more water. I sure could have used the SHAM-WOW to dry off. The gym only had regular towels though. BTW, sham wow is supposedly from germany...not sure why makes them more absorbent???

Anyway, the website is going well and should go live sometime in mid may. Stay tuned!!