Saturday, March 13, 2010

Celebrity Beatdowns

This is an updated list after my triumphant 2009 NYC Marathon finishing time of 3:38:46. I not only crushed Ryan Reynolds' time from the 2008 NYC Marathon but beat a lot of other celebrities along the way.

1) Ryan Reynolds - 3:50:22 - (2008 NYC Marathon) Phew!! Happy that I beat that time. Would have been mighty embarrassing to come up short after all that media attention. When you think about it, what would Ryan have run if he didn't wear the damn pants. Next time Ryan...wear the running shorts like everyone else...oh...and lose the gloves too!!

2) Oprah - 4:29:20 - (Marine Corp Marathon 1994) Kept saying "Can't get beat by Oprah. CAN'T get beat by Oprah"! Look at the picture. She's freaking power walking and I only beat her by 13 seconds in my very first marathon. Since then, I've crushed her time 3 times


3) Edward Norton - 3:48:01 - (2009 NYC Marathon) For a little guy (he weighs 40 pounds less than me), I really kicked his ass. He even trained with Masai Warriors. In this photo Edward is saying "shhhhhhhhh don't tell everyone that Tim Reid is THAT much faster than me".

4) P-Diddy AKA Puff Daddy AKA Sean Combs - 4:14:54 - (NYC Marathon 2003) - Every breath you take..gasp, gasp, gasp...Sorry puffy. Or should I say, huffy puffy. Although, what can you expect with all of that partying and Ciroc Vodka.

5) Al Gore - 4:58:25 - (Marine Corp Marathon 1997) - Al Gore "To Do List": "Invent the Internet", Save the planet, run slower than Tim Reid.

Al Gore Picture Gallery

6) George W Bush - 3:44:52 - (1993 Houston Marathon) - Dub-ya had a great time but I still beat him. I guess I shouldn't feel too good about this beating based on the quotes below. Also, he must have had a hard time with the marathon training program. "Fartlek...heh, heh, heh...this thing says Fart...I can do THAT"!!

Bush: One of Worst Disasters to Hit U.S.
  • "I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah." --at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001
  • "I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008
  • "There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on --shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again." --Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
  • "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." --Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
  • "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." --to FEMA director Michael Brown, who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his handling of the Hurricane Katrina debacle, Mobile, Ala., Sept. 2, 2005
  • "You work three jobs? ... Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." --to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005
7) Sarah Palin - 3:59:36 - (2005 Humpy Marathon) - I'm on a political kick here but WHAT THE HELL IS THE HUMPY MARATHON?!?!?! Wasn't that what her daughter and Levi were doing that resulted in a little bundle of teen pregnancy?

Sarah <span class=Palin">

8) Mario Lopez - 5:41:41 - (Boston Marathon 2002) - Happy to say that I beat Slater by over two hours!! Mario is in shape and I kicked his ass in all four of my marathons. He must have been practicing his Dancing with the Stars moves as he was running. "Run 2 - 3, Step 2 -3, Twirl 2 -3". Whatever the below move is, it definitely hurt his marathon time.
9) Katie Holmes - 5:29:58 - (NYC Marathon 2007) - Thank God I beat her!! Or should I say thanks Scientology I beat her. Well, doesn't matter but why are all of these celebrities wearing pants during a marathon???

10) Will Farrell - 3:56:12 - (2003 Boston Marathon) - Need I say more...

11) Alanis Morissette - 4:28:45 - (2009 NYC Marathon) - "Isn't it Ironic"... how smoked her time!!! Talk about irony...she also just happens to be Ryan Reynolds' former fiancee. Man, if they were married I would have crushed the entire family!! Damn Scarlett...

12) David Lee Roth - 6:04:43 (NYC Marathon 1987) - Seriously! Over 6 hours. I think it must have been the tight spandex pants holding him back! Look at that outfit...LOOK AT THAT OUTFIT!!!!

13) Ali Landry - 5:41:41 - (Boston Marathon 2002) - Doritos girl in the early 2000's. Same finishing time as Mario Lopez. NOW I know why it took him so long to finish!!

14) Meredith Baxter - 4:08:30 - (1982 NYC Marathon) -The cute mom from Family Ties Pretty good time. Nothing to rip on her about...

15) Anthony Edwards - 3:55:40 - (2003 Chicago Marathon) - Best know as the doctor from ER. "Get me an adreneline shot STAT! Cause Tim Reid's kicking my behind"

16) Chef Gordon Ramsey - 4:05:02 - (2009 London Marathon) - Best known for his Hell's
Kitchen reality show and also for dropping major F bombs and making grown men cry.

17) Sal Masekela - Around 5 hours - (2009 NYC Marathon) - Daily 10 co-host set out to beat Diddy's time from the 2003 NYC Marathon in his own celebrity beat down attempt. However, he was the one who took the beat down. But, he did it for charity so it's all good.

18) Freddie Prinze, JR - 5:50:49 (LA Marathon) Does he still count? I mean I think he was most famous for this "popular" movie..By the time Freddie finished, I was on my third beer at Spring Lounge...

19). Kerri Strug - 4:12:06 - (1999 Houston Marathon) - I beat an Olympic gymnast!! However, since she is only 4'8", she actually ran 201,475 steps vs my 138,435 steps. For those that don't know math, there are actually 138,435 feet in 26.2 miles but she is very small so her stride is shorter therefore, more steps. However, she only weighs 88 lbs so she's 120 lbs less than me. not sure who had the or her...Anyway, I beat her by 3 minutes or so.

20) Buster Martin - Over 10 hours (2008 London Marathon) - Boy, I really smoked this chap...10 hours!!! My goodness. Wait, don't know who Buster Martin is??? Well....this guy finished the London Marathon as the oldest person ever to finish a marathon at either 94 or 101. I think he forgot when he was born. He not only wore pants but the full matching wind breaker! Even better!! He's drinking a beer at the finish. Buster is my new hero!!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5200 people and $27,000

Hi all, Haven't been on here in awhile but have some good updates for all.

I'm almost near 5200 people who have been on the site. Amazing from the very modest beginning. Also, with matching donations, I'm up to over $26,000 on my Team Fox page with another $1300 in checks and matching gifts coming in. So, will be over $27,300 for my efforts of beating ryan's time.

I'd like to say that running has been easy since the marathon but I keep getting nagging injuries. First, I ran 4 miles slowly and ended up with shooting pain in my right knee. Then took a week off and ran 3 miles and tweaked my hamstring. Took another week off and ran and tweaked the same hamstring. Now I am on a steady diet of stretching and icing and rest. I actually did yoga both days last weekend and am feeling better but I'm holding of running until next Friday.

The good news is that I've kept a pretty clean diet and have only gained 3 lbs since the marathon. I think that was the damn stuffing, butter filled mashed potatoes and pumpkin cheesecake from Thanksgiving.

OK, Happy Holidays!!

A new challenge will be started once we hit the new year. I'm not going to try and beat anyone but am going to help others in their first marathons and raise more money for Team Fox

Best wishes. Tim

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Over 5,000

More people keep coming to the site!! Over 5,000 people have now viewed I think my goal in the beginning was to hit 1,000. Thanks to everyone out there!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

I miss running

So they say I should take 2 weeks off before starting to run again. sniff, sniff!!!

Going to DC this weekend and not taking any workout clothes with me...that's a first but what the hell. It's not like I am going to go for a walk or something. even if I do, my converse shoes and chip and pepper jeans are good enough for that.

Have a great weekend

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

nuun tablets

Hi all.
So one of the things that I did differently this time around had to do with my hydration. I would usually drink a lot of gatorade or water leading up to the race. In my previous three marathons, I would get pretty bad muscle cramps around mile 21 or 22 and have to push myself even harder through the finish line. A couple marathons, I even had to walk a little.

This time, I knew sodium was going to be key. When I went to the expo, I saw these little nuun tablets:The guy selling them said they have a lot more sodium that regular gatorade and only have 8 calories and little to no sugar. So, trying these made sense. Since I was in the tapering phase I needed to make sure I didn't gain weight. Plus, Gatorade wasn't needed because my body would have used all of that sugar way before the race.

I started taking these 3 days before the race in all of my normal water drinks. Then I took a 20 oz bottle of water to the marathon and used Nuun as my pre-race hydration.

During the race, I experienced none of the muscle cramping that had previously happened to me. I am not sure if it was these Nuun tablets, or the additional GUs that I took that helped with this. All I know is that everything that I did seemed to work. So I have to give credit where credit is due.

Plus, overall, the Nuun tabs make boring water taste a little better.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The last 6.2 miles!!!

Only 6.2 miles to go and 68 minutes to finish under Ryan's time.

Here's my splits for 20 through 22.
20 through 21 - 8:34 pace
21 through 22 - 8:50 pace.

Starting to slow down a bit but remembered some advice here that helped a ton.
  • This is from my friend Michael Haskell - You can definitely do this. It's 40 to 50 minutes of true pain vs having to look back and say "what if..." I didn't want to have any regrets as I was so close.
  • Try to look for some people that you definitely don't want to beat you and start passing them. Everyone is tired at this point but there are people in the crowd that you just HAVE to beat. One of them passed me at mile 20. This gentleman was wearing a singlet and A SPEEDO!!! Not sure if anyone else saw him but I could not finish BEHIND him if you know what I mean. I passed him at mile 22.
At mile 21, I started to look at my Garmin watch often. I looked once and it read 21.1 miles...looked down again...21.23 miles...once again...21.34 miles. It was then I decided that this watch was no f'ing good at this point. I thought about throwing it into the crowd too but came to my senses...I took it off and shoved it into my racing belt.

Side's a racing belt...not a fanny pack. Fanny packs are worn by people at the Oklahoma state fair with cotton candy in one hand and a funnel cake in the other. Anyone that runs 26.2 is wearing a racing belt....umm...sorry Oklahoma.

I also looked down at my left hand where I wrote "IZZY" on my knuckles. It helped me get through the tough part of the race. IZZY is the father of a new friend of mine that I met through Team Fox and he is courageously battling Parkinson's as we speak. I hope that with everyone's hard work, we can all find a cure soon.

Now I'm at mile 22 and getting ever so close to the TEAM FOX cheering section and around the corner from there, Central Park. I had a mini Snickers bar at this point. LOVED IT!!!! I also was stopping at the water stops, walking, chugging a gatorade and dumping three cups on water on my head...that felt amazing!!

My family would be at that TEAM FOX section so I knew I had to pull myself together. Mile 22 to 23 was my slowest at that point at 9:16 but my form was good...well at least to me. As I approached TEAM FOX, I saw my family wearing my t-shirts and they were going nuts...jumping and yelling!! I thought about stopping but I wasn't sure if I could get moving again after that. My one regret is not stopping to say hello to Michael with everything he has been doing. But, I really had to keep moving at that point.

After I passed them, I wondered how far I would have to run before I was out of their sight and could slow down again. Mile 23 to 24 was at 9:25 but at that point I only had 2.2 miles left and I was certain I would beat Ryan at this point.

Now I was in the park and my quads were screaming!!! It actually was easier to run up the hills then down them. Down hills are especially hard on your quads as you are basically stopping your body with every foot strike. I continued with the gatorade chugging and water dumping at every stop. This is where I grabbed the Twizzlers...YUMMY!!! Mile 24 to 25 was at 9:17 so I sped up from the previous mile.

Now I was running on central park south and coming towards the end of my journey. As I was running, I heard loud screams and cow bells from the crowds. It was my wife yelling her head off with all of our friends. They had run all over the city to see me and now they were cheering me on at the end. I stopped, did a little wave and bowed to them.

The Central Park South stretch is not really that long but it seems to go on forever when you are finishing. Mile 25 to 26 was at 9:11 so once again faster than the last mile.

As I hit mile 26, I could see the finish line in the distance. I saw the clock and I knew that I would get under 3:40:00 so I soaked it in and finished by waving to the crowd. Some people sprint it out but it didn't make a difference if I finished in 3:38:46 or 3:38:02... As I was crossing the finish line, I gave the photographers a big thumbs up...hopefully I'll have a great finisher photo.

At the finish line, you get your medal and a food/water pack with more carbs. I chugged more gatorade and ate the almonds...I wanted nothing to do with the bagel, apple or anything else.

My official time was 3:38:45 and I did beat Ryan Reynolds by over 11 minutes. I also beat my previous best marathon time by 30 minutes and my other NYC marathon time by 40 minutes.

I think that after all of the donations are in, I should be over $30,000 raised for MJFF. Amazing. Thanks to everyone for their advice, support, encouragement and donations. It's been a great 6 months and I have met a lot of amazing people over this time. Hopefully with all that MJFF and Team Fox are doing, we can find a cure quickly!!

Time for bed. Tim

13.1 Through 20 miles!!

Still feeling very good at this point and we were getting very close to the Queensboro bridge into Manhattan at this point. My wife, family, friends and Team Fox would be waiting for me on the other side of the bridge. Oh, and Ryan e mailed me on Saturday night to let me know that he would be at 63rd and 1st Ave. I was looking forward to a mountain of cheers from everyone as we stepped into Manhattan for the first time in the race.

As we approached mile 14, I could sense that I was getting a little tired. Vero, the little train that could, kept up the pace and we still motored along at an 8:00 to 8:15 pace. The Queensboro bridge was right in front of us getting closer with every step. Once we got on the other side, it would only be about 10 miles to the finish.

When we hit the base of the bridge, I kept my gaze right in front of my feet so as to not look up at the hill we were about to run. Up the bridge, it is a little over 3/4 of a mile and it feels every bit of it. Once you get to the top, it is a sharp decline and you can once again let gravity take over. As you near the bottom, you can hear the roar of the Manhattan crowd as they see all of the marathoners run into the city. You make a sharp left turn and head towards 1st Ave. It was at this point that I decided to lose the t-shirt and go straight up TEAM FOX for the rest of the race!! I pulled the shirt over my head, rolled it into a ball and whipped it into the crowd. Some random, tall guy caught it and realized he was holding a soaked singlet with Ryan Reynolds on it. I could see the disgust in his eyes...was it the sweat or Ryan's image??? Strangely, this was comedic to me and it gave me a lift.

As we rounded the corner onto 1st ave at 60th street, I started looking for Ryan. He said he would be on the right side. I had a hat on so it covered the glorious baldness of my head. As we got to 64th street, I figured that we missed him. What I didn't know was that my wife and friends had decided to go to 63rd and 1st on the left side to see if they could see Ryan too. So, in the end, I missed everyone there. Not a big deal as I would see them later in the race.

At 73rd and 1st along the left side, I saw a good friend. Michelle Trilli. It was nice to see her cheering. I asked her to bring a banana but I didn't stop. I wondered to myself how long she held that banana and if she just decided to eat it at one point or throw it....hopefully she didn't throw the peel on the race course...Since I didn't hear of any race accidents involving said banana, I'm sure she disposed of it properly.

The crowd gave me a lift as we continued up 1st ave. We also knew that there was a TEAM FOX cheering station at 97th and 1st. Vero was a little ahead of me but that only motivated me to catch up before we hit the cheering area.

That was around mile 18 to 18.5. Now I was started to get tired but at mile 19, I was at 2:33:36 and had 76 minutes to run the last 7.2 to beat Ryan's time. I felt that if I didn't completely crash and burn that I would do it. This for me is where the true race started.

Vero was still keeping her pace. So I had to let her run her race as she had a PR on the line. Didn't want to hold her back. The last thing she did was give me her energy jellybeans. This was very gracious of her and I must have looked shitty. I definitely got a lift from the them. Not sure if it were the actual jellybeans or the fact that Vero gave them up that did that. Either way I was happy.

Note to self the jellybeans or GU or pretty much anything ONLY when you are close to the Water/Gatorade stops. Otherwise, they turn to paste.

My pace was still pretty good between 19 and 20. I ran that mile at 8:43 which was still right under Ryan's total marathon pace. So, I didn't lose anything that mile...felt really good about that.

With 6.2 miles left, the race was getting more difficult with each step. This is where I had to rely on the advice and words of encouragement from everyone who supported me over the last 6 months...